Treat yourself as a Developer

Siri Shamendra
2 min readMar 31, 2020

If you can set up your greetings and treats for your achievement in your small task at the office in the JIRA Kanban board or your hobbyist project; then you can easily achieve those on a fast track. Proven!

That “Yes” moment!

Here is how it happen. Its a mind game. The mind is all. So being happy is the essential vitamin for your everyday life to live in the present moment.

So when you are coding your mind is fully concentrated on your task, isn’t it? “Eh,” No Its not. If you practice your self to concentrate your mind and you achieved it without any support like that what we are going to do now, then it's a great achievement. So, the majority of us need to have this support. What happened here exactly is you are setting up a goal for your task. Ultimately there is a goal for your team to achieve the Software product. But what you have inside. You will get paid at the end of the month. And you will learn how to fix that challenge and you will add one more experience to your life experiences in your development journey. But if you added one small goal like I will “walk” after this done, I will “eat” ice cream after this is done or something similar but it will make you happy and will boost up your energy levels. I will show you how to do it with a real-life example here to get it started easily right away, Let's practice it!

Assume that you are in the midst of your sprint and you will likely finish up your current task to take the next task assigned in your current sprint and it will help others also to keep on their track as some of their tasks will depend on your task.

So as per the scrum practices, we basically break down one user story to smaller tasks and assume that this is such a task that you can finish up within half a day. So you came up in the morning and you will start thinking that you will go for some nice lunch of I was able to fix this just before your lunchtime. So keep that up in mind and work for it.

I have an example with one of my previous places, our product managers used to treat developers with a free lunch/drinks if the developers were able to take up more tasks into the sprint. I don't know that it makes sense to boost up developers' moral. But anyhow its something similar. You can set up your own small goals. Actually small treats!

Be a happy coder!



Siri Shamendra

I design, code, and make complex applications and frameworks. But I believe “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication!”