Eliminate procrastination 🚀

Siri Shamendra
3 min readMay 1, 2024

Study -> Tools -> Habits -> Celebrate -> Repeat

Photo by Nubelson Fernandes on Unsplash

I build software to make my living. You might be doing something else to make your living. Regardless of what you are, procrastination is a natural psychological behavior that every one of us could get. It proves that you are a normal human being.

So below is what I did to eliminate my procrastination.

1. Study 🧜

Study yourself first. 🫵

Note down a list of tasks that you gave up during the last week. Write down why you couldn’t make it happen. Identify your limit.
In Software Development, this is what we fine-tune by making burn-down charts in the Scrum process.

Make a brand-new list and write what you can do and what percentage you can achieve based on your history. Look back. 👀

Remember that the majority of daily basis stress is based on one thing. 👇

“Do you have something that you couldn’t achieve, but you think that is something achievable!!?” — Think more deeply. These are the things that make you stressed.

2. Tools 🍅

There are plenty of tools available to overcome procrastination. Pomodoro is one of those great mechanisms.

You can simply talk to your iPhone “Siri” and schedule a 25-minute countdown timer. Or there are many free Pomodoro apps available on your mobile phone app store.

The basic concept here is to focus the shortest possible time on a task (you have to divide a larger task into smaller digestible sub tasks).

25 mins work,5 mins break. Repeat few times and take a large break.

3. Habits 🔒

Habits run our day-to-day life as a protocol.

How to form a good or bad habit? Read Atomic Habits if you want more in-depth knowledge or install my app(await the announcement 🎁).

Below is one of the greatest things that you have to maintain in your habit forming journey.

There is one proven method that I have practiced so far to have a laser-sharp focus.

✍️: Take a piece of pen and a paper. Start writing or drawing things “by hand”. (Because we learned to write from the age of 2. It’s built into our habits already. So Starting with a habit that you have already practiced to practice another habit is productive.)

What you will write? You can draw mind maps and write small notes on top of it. Because I learn things visually and by doing(Kinesthetic). Read more about learning styles and understand how you learn stuff effectively.

4. Celebrate 🥂

If you achieve by following the above, celebrate it immediately. (Don’t forget to clap this article as well)

Sometime back I wrote an article about how to use little celebrations for little achievements in your software development journey to motivate you. 👉 Treat yourself as a Developer!

Little celebrations matter!

5. Repeat 🔁

To make it a habit, you have to make it repeatedly.

That’s all and see how simple it is!



Siri Shamendra

I design, code, and make complex applications and frameworks. But I believe “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication!”